Juggle Rewards Merchants
Terms & Conditions

Merchant Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 18/01/24

Conditions of use

By using this website, you certify that you have read and reviewed this Agreement and that you agree to comply with its terms. If you do not want to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you are advised to stop using the website accordingly. Juggle Rewards only grants use and access of this website, its products, and its services to those who have accepted its terms.

Privacy policy

Before you continue using our website, we advise you to read our privacy policy https://jugglerewards.app/merchants-privacy-policy/ regarding our user data collection. It will help you better understand our practices.

Welcome to Juggle Rewards! By using our platform and services, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:


1. Eligibility:

  • To become a registered merchant on our platform, you must be a legally recognized business entity.
  • You agree to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process.

2. Account Security:

  • You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials.
  • Notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorized access to your account.

3. Listing and Product Information:

  • Ensure that all product listings and information are accurate, up-to-date, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • You are responsible for the content and accuracy of your product information.

4. Pricing and Transactions:

  • Clearly display accurate pricing information, including any applicable taxes and fees.
  • Honor all transactions made through our platform and fulfill customer orders promptly.

5. Payment and Fees:

  • Agree to the payment terms outlined in our merchant agreement.
  • Pay any applicable fees promptly, as per the agreed-upon schedule.

6. Customer Service:

  • Provide excellent customer service, including responding to customer inquiries and addressing issues promptly.
  • Resolve disputes with customers in a fair and transparent manner.

7. Compliance with Laws:

  • Adhere to all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to your business and the products or services you offer.
  • Do not engage in any illegal or fraudulent activities.

8. Content and Intellectual Property:

  • Do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
  • You grant Juggle Rewards a non-exclusive license to use, display, and promote your content on our platform.

9. Termination:

  • Juggle Rewards reserves the right to terminate your merchant account at our discretion.
  • You may terminate your account by providing written notice, and any outstanding obligations must be fulfilled.

10. Confidentiality:

  • Protect the confidentiality of any non-public information you may access during your partnership with Juggle Rewards.

11. Changes to Terms:

  • Juggle Rewards may update these terms and conditions at any time. Merchants will be notified of significant changes.

12. Governing Law:

  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction].

Thank you for partnering with Juggle Rewards. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, please contact us at hello@jugglerewards.app.