Your data is our #1 priority.

We are transparent with how we strictly handle and protect your data.

We are very sensitive about your data. We strictly set policies to secure them. It's in our DNA to make it our #1 priority.

What we collect.

We don’t collect more data than we need. Juggle only collects data that is necessary for you to fully enjoy our experiences that we provide. 

Minimal Vital Information

We only collect minimal vital information and we guarantee it. Also for us to use your data, you must comply. That’s our rules. If we do use your data, we use it transparently.

We transparently ask when collecting & using your data

Before we use your data, we transparently let you know we are collecting it, why we are collecting it, how we will use it, and where it goes. We have nothing to hide.

How do we secure it?

We use data encryption to encrypt your data so that it cannot be seen or analysed. After encryption, we store it safely into our database.

Powerful Data Encryption

We encrypt your personal data using data encryption. If your data “ever” gets leaked, your personal data cannot be seen or analysed by anything or anyone because your personal data has  been encrypted.

Limit Access to your data

Access to your data is limited. Firewalls, data security and monitoring are in place to ensure and to prevent anyone without authority to access your personal information. 

We destroy your data securely.

Your data comes with great responsibility. Once you agree for us to destroy your data, we ensure you that we completely destroy your data and is irreversible and is unable to recover once your data has been destroyed.

Destroy Your Data

We ensure that once you agree to delete your account with Juggle, we destroy it completely and cannot restore or recover it.

We abide by NZ Law, Regulations and Compliances (Privacy Act 2020)

We strictly abide by NZ law, compliance and regulations of Privacy Act 2020. It is 100% our responsibility to ensure your data is fully secured, stored and managed within our infrastructure.

Our job is to innovate. Your job is to experience. Our job is to code. Your job is to have fun. We put in our 100% to ensure you to have the best experience possible while you're using Juggle. So enjoy every moment of it.