Nielsen Survey: 84 Percent of Global Respondents More Likely to Visit Retailers That Offer a Loyalty Program


A study by Nielsen, which examines what consumers buy and watch, found that approximately 60% of consumers worldwide have access to loyalty programs at the places they shop. Among these, 84% mentioned that they would likely return to those stores. Furthermore, Gallup’s increased customer engagement resulted in improved customer success metrics: 66% Higher sales growth […]

The Power Of Storytelling For Your Business And How It Can Transform The Way You Sell


According to Gallup, “Companies must first fully engage customers and activate their participants.” Storytelling has the power to influence purchasing decisions. Have you ever wondered why Nike and Apple consistently outperform their competitors? Design, simplicity, accessibility, and usability are some of the factors that influence people’s purchasing decisions. While both companies sell similar commodities, such […]

Supercharging Sales: 9 Ways How Reward Systems Boost Business Success


Are you currently using any engaging reward systems to attract new customers or do you even have a strategy to turn one-time buyers into regulars? In the world of commerce, sales are the lifeblood of any business. Companies continually seek innovative strategies to increase their sales, and one proven approach is implementing reward systems. In […]

Stop watching your customers walk away🚶and secure 🔒 your customer base now. Once customers walk away, it’s 5-25x more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one. Also, study shows that 65% of a company’s revenue comes from the repeat business of existing customers.


Why you’re struggling with customer retention. Studies shows that “Bond generates growth for clients by creating enduring relationships between people and brands based on intelligent connections and engaging experiences.” This means first engaging with your customers is associated with customer retention success. Emotionally connected customers are more likely to interact with your brand and products. […]

Study from Gallup conducted, fully engaged customers make 56% more visits per month to that restaurant than actively disengaged customers


Study from Gallup conducted, “fully engaged customers make 56% more visits per month to that restaurant than actively disengaged customers. Fast-food customers who are fully engaged make 28% more visits per month to that restaurant than actively disengaged customers.” In a world where technology and innovative products rapidly change and disrupt, surviving disruption in the […]